Assistance in the deployment of complex financial operations

Every business project involves the management of complex financial transactions
Whether it’s about a sale-purchase, a restructuring or a financial reporting obligation, the financial analysis and the mastery of international financial standards are essential elements in financial transactions.
Canovia supports you in the achievement of your long-term growth goals, seeks for the most efficient partnerships, negotiates the best terms and creates with you the financial and extra-financial reportings needed for the realization of your project.
Support your transaction through an in-depth financial expertise
La communication financière et extra-financière
The IBR Due Diligence comes in a Leverage Buy-Out (LBO) negotiation context, and allows to have a clear vision of the past, actual and projected financial situation of the company. Our Team, specialized in Finance, offers you a complete diagnosis of the company, in order to determine short-term and medium-term cash requirements.
La consolidation
As a buyer or a seller in a transaction, Due Diligence assesses the risks related to the company targeted by the transaction. In this case, our Financial Analysts are checking all of the services provided by the company in order to understand its business strategy, its strengths and its weaknesses. Such a financial analysis allows one to have a global vision on the accounting, financial, tax, social, environmental…. status of the company.
Financial Modelling
To drive business performance and profitability, reliable data is a necessity. Our Management Control & Finance team is able to help you with the creation of a sustainable and resilient financial model, meeting your needs, and the expectations of your stakeholders (funders, investors…)
L'audit financier
In each of these situations, our Financial and Legal teams are able to support you in the drafting and implementations of the financial clauses to include in your transaction contracts
Why choose Canovia ?
Our team is composed of complementary profiles, expert in their fields. This multidisciplinary team allows us to work in collaboration on very specific topics. We are committed to be a business facilitator for our clients and to contribute, in our scale, to the development of a more resilient, pragmatic and territory anchored economy. We attach a great value to the long-term needs of our clients, and seek to provide them the most sustainable solutions according to their ecosystem.